Links & Tutorials

We have links to websites that offer useful photographic tutorials – from improving your photography to developing Photoshop editing techniques; also links to some great photography sites, including the Midland Counties Photographic Federation and the PAGB

The Midland Counties Photographic Federation

The Royal Photographic Society

The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain

Dingle Images

(Top quality Sports Photography by Harish Chavda ARPS DPAGB)

(For Finding Everything Related to Photography on the Internet)

 Carl Wright Photography

 Clive Minnnit Photography

 Dudley Camera Club

 Smethwick Photographic Society

 Yardley Photographic Society

 Solihull Photographic Society

EOS Magazine

 Amateur Photographer Magazine

Practical Photography Magazine

Lens Buying Guide (from Best Buy)

Ron Bigelow Photography

Photoshop Tutorials

Photoshop & Lightroom Shortcut Guides

Digital Photography School

Extreme Macro Tutorials

Drone Aerial Photography

Drone Photography Tips

Photographing Cars

Digital Photography Resource Guide

Nasar Productions

Member Tutorials

Guide to Blending Modes

Guide to preparing a digital image for internal competitions

NOTE: Before doing anything to the image, work on a copy or duplicate. Once it has been resized it cannot be returned to the original larger sized image.

  1. Go into Photoshop and open the image you want to use
  2. Once opened and manipulated as required select Image from across the top toolbar.
  3. From the Image drop down tool bar select Image size.
  4. An Image Size box appear on your screen.
  5. Within the Image size box you will see the Pixel Dimensions boxes: If you have a portrait picture type in Width 1600 Pixels maximum  and in Height 1200 pixels maximum. Either one will automatically update the other but as long as the Height does not exceed 1200 pixels that is fine. If you have a landscape picture type in Width 1600 pixels and in height 1200 pixels. Either one will automatically update the other but as long as the Width does not exceed 1600 pixels that is fine
  6. Ensure that the Constrain Proportions is ticked and the Resample image is ticked
  7. Ensure that the Bicubic box is also selected
  8. Click on OK
  9. Don’t panic!! The image on your screen will now be tiny to what is was before, just use the Navigator tool on the Right hand side of your screen to increase its size on your screen (it’s the one with the Mountains on and the slider between).


  1. Select File from the tool bar across the top and select Save As
  2. This will bring up a Save As box
  3. Right at the top select were you want to save the image to i.e. Memory stick
  4. Next in the File name box type in a meaningful name e.g. The Rose
  5. Nothing else needs to be added into the File name box
  6. In the Format box select from the drop down list JPEG
  7. Now click save Well done! You have now renamed your image.
NOTE: If you come to save the image and JPEG is not in the drop down list it may be that you have opened a tiff file that is greater than 8bits/Channel. This usually happens if you shoot in RAW and transfer the image to Photoshop. Photoshop creates the image as a 16bits/Channel image. To convert to an 8bit/channel image do the following: 



  1. Select Image from the top toolbar
  2. Hover over Mode and another drop down list will appear. Two thirds of the way
  3. down the list you will see 8Bits/Channel and 16Bits/Channel
  4. Tick the 8Bits/Channel
  5. Now save as above normally using JPEG

Creating a Triptych

The following documents take you through the steps on how to create a triptych which you can use for panel competitions, club competitions and for panel exhibitions.

Part 1

Part 2

Introduction to Zoom Meetings

We have put together a short video on how to join a Zoom meeting and some of the basic controls that you need to be aware of when in a Zoom meeting.