About us

South Birmingham Photographic Society was founded over 50 years ago and continues to be active and welcomes new members. We meet on Friday evenings (7:30pm)  between September and April. Please browse through our site – check out the galleries of members’ photos, take a look at our Programme page to see the varied talks and events we have lined up. Drop in and see us – we’d love to meet you!


South Birmingham Photographic Society is a part of the Midland Counties Photographic Federation (MCPF) and enjoys taking part in competitions with other Societies within the MCPF as well as access to lecturers and judges. We also encourage participation in all of the MCPF exhibitions to promote photography within the Midlands.

The MCPF itself is part of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) which is a membership organisation that co-ordinates activities for photographic Clubs in England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland (including the Channel Islands and Isle of Man). It does this through 15 geographical Federations.

The PAGB organises photographic events for its Federations and Clubs. It offers services such as Recorded Lectures and its own photographic Distinctions, known as Awards for Photographic Merit (APM).

The PAGB has strong links with similar organisations. In the UK, it has cross-representation with the Royal Photographic Society (RPS). It liaises throughout the world via its membership of FIAP (The International Federation of Photographic Art).

South Birmingham Photographic Society is an active member of the British Photographic Exhibitions (BPE) organisation and runs an annual exhibition that attracts entries from all over the UK. Entrants that get acceptances at BPE exhibitions can get recognition  via the issue of the Crown Awards photographic distinction. Further details of our exhibition can be found on the Exhibition page.